Approval Expences and Budget

Complete, simple, convenient, modern business process monitoring system for all costs of an organization. Sectionals and budgets, costs per cost center, evaluate supplier's contracts and all works on a computer, a tablet or a smart phone. Registration and management for commitment approval, project certification for each part of the body, according to specific work flow. Monitoring, control and approval of receipt of invoices from suppliers and matching the initial expenditure approvals. Update order for payment corresponding to invoices or expenses.
expenses system
General characteristics:

  • 1. Registration Budget departments or projects or contracts. Breakdown by cost center monitored the progress of each code. Each case of regions falling code and sub-activities for full cost follow up the individual costs.
  • 2. Evaluation of suppliers in each expenditure execution.
  • 3. Programming payment, invoice control, management by departments and section.
  • 4. The approval process is fully parameterized.
  • 5. Records are related with electronic files and search tags.
  • 6. The available data in ERP, such as data suppliers and cost centers are not recognized again.
  • 7. Includes approvals reports, expenditures, payments per department, responsible, calendar.
  • 8. Export reports to PDF, XLS, HTML.
  • 9. Manage users and roles in the organization chart.